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Opening hours

Museum: Tuesday - Sunday 11:00 – 17:00 hrs

Restaurant: Tuesday - Sunday 11:00 – 17:00 hrs

On public holidays we keep regular opening hours. On Easter Monday, Whit Monday and Boxing Day the museum is open. On King’s Day (normally 27th April but 26 april in 2025), Christmas Day and New Year’s Day the museum is closed.


Book your tickets here.

You can purchase the Museumkaart at the desk.

Route and address



Nieuwe Haven 30
3311 AP Dordrecht

+31 (0)78 770 5240

Plan your route in Google maps

At the Nieuwe Haven payed parking is possble although limited. On Sundays parking is also payed.

Parking garage Visstraat, Spuihaven and P1 Parking Drievriendenhof/Dordrecht Centrum are a 10-minute walk away from the museum.

Huis Van Gijn takes you a 15 minute walk from the NS railway station Dordrecht. Citybus has a stop (Visbrug) at 5 minutes walking distance from the museum (halte Visbrug). Plan your public transport trip online via

We want as many people as possible to enjoy our museums and their extraordinary collections. At the same time, we want to protect these valuable collections as best we can. That’s why we ask you to observe a number of house rules.